Wednesday, April 17

A violent storm causes the death of a dozen people in Italy

  • This is the umpteenth episode of extreme weather that the country has suffered after the severe summer drought and the deadly collapse of an alpine glacier

  • The Democratic Party suspends its activities in the middle of the electoral campaign

A violent night storm, that has hit the Marche region (center), has caused the death of at least a dozen people, according to the latest provisional balance. In addition, four other people are still missing – including two children – while hundreds of residents have had to be evicted from their homes due to flooding. This is the umpteenth episode of Extreme weather that the transalpine country experiences this year; so much so that the Democratic Party (PD) has decided to suspend its initiatives in the region in the middle of the electoral campaign, as reported by the leader of the Pa, Enrico Letta.

The area most affected by rainy and the strong winds is the northern part of the region, especially the towns of Pianello di Ostra, Trecastelli, Cantiano Barbara, and Senigallia, a city that, according to its inhabitants, has been “completely destroyed” by the mass of water and mud that in little more than two hours fell on the area. During the storm, “a third of the rain that usually falls (in the area) in a year has fallen,” he reported. Fabrizio Curciothe head of the Italian Civil Protection.

overflow of a river

Some of the victims have died as a result of the “sudden and unexpected” overflow of the Misa River, explained regional advisor Stefano Aguzzi. In other localities,we were unable to intervene quickly, there were people on the street”, added Aguzzi. “I am trying to get out of my house. The door is blocked because it has been completely buried by the mud,” Marte, a citizen, explained to this newspaper.

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With this, the Italian Council of Ministers has decided to declare the state of emergency for the entire region, while the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, has announced that he will travel to the area, where there have also been power cuts and some roads have been closed.

The event comes after months in which Italy has had to deal with several episodes of extreme weather. In July, the collapse of part of the glacier de la Marmolada, in the Dolomite Alps, caused the death of 11 people, during the great heat wave that Europe suffered this summer. In addition, Italy has also suffered the worst drought recorded in the country in decades, which has ruined countless crops, as well as the death of hundreds of animals.

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