Friday, April 19

Flavanol-Rich Foods May Help Reduce Body Fat

Dark chocolate contains a large percentage of flavanol-rich cocoa solids

Dark chocolate contains a large percentage of flavanol-rich cocoa solids

StockSnap / Pixabay

Foods rich in polyphenols called flavonoids may offer various health benefits. The compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In recent studies, it was found that flavanols could help reduce body fat.

Flavanols are a subtype of flavonoids that have been associated with benefits for cardiovascular health, improving cholesterol levels and increasing glucose tolerance, as well as promoting cognitive health.

Foods rich in flavanols

Cocoa, apples, grapes and tea are among the foods and beverages richest in flavanols. Flavanols are plant chemicals that are present in various foods and beverages.

Cocoa is one of the foods rich in flavanols, which help relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, which lowers blood pressure, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

Dark chocolate contains up to 2-3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa solids than milk chocolate. Choose dark chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content to obtain the highest amount of flavonoids.

Flavanol consumption induces fat browning

Using mouse models, scientists in Japan have investigated the relationship between intake of foods rich in flavanols and fat metabolism. The results published in Nutrients at the end of 2021

Researchers found that flavanol intake induces fat browning. Adipose tissue or body fat is made up of white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue.

Medical News Today explains that scientists refer to fat darkening as the phenomenon of turning white adipose tissue brown. White adipose tissues that store energy become brown adipose tissues that break down blood sugar and fat molecules.

The transformation to flavanols induces the intake is relevant because the accumulation of excess white adipose tissue is related to obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the conversion process also generates heat, which helps maintain body temperature.

Further investigation is still required. The studies carried out may open new avenues for these to be carried out and new potential treatments for cardiovascular and obesity-related diseases can be found.

It may interest you:
–8 foods richest in polyphenols to protect you from diseases
–6 things that happen to your body if you eat dark chocolate every day
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