Friday, April 19

Improve the life of your laptop’s battery with limits on its charge

We not only want a battery to have a good autonomy, and more so in a laptop, but also to age in a good way, that is, that months or years go by and we do not suffer the typical problems that each day that passes lasts less. Well, we can minimize this if we put load limits on it.

As time goes by, ion batteries tend to lose their charge capacity, that’s a fact. In laptops, this problem is exacerbated, since they are devices that need a high charging power on many occasions, in addition to the fact that, in many cases, the batteries suffer from heating problems due to poor ventilation.

The truth is that we have many ways to try to prevent this from happening, but there is a very practical solution that not everyone knows about, such as limiting the laptop’s battery charge, thus achieving less degradation and improve the life of our battery.

Today’s batteries do not suffer from the memory problem that they suffered in the past, so there is no problem because we have the computer plugged in all the time. But it is affected in that it is always at 100% of its load, because an excessive coupling can be caused at the stop, something that is not normal, causing a shorter life.

If you do not always reach the top, the battery is less stressed and manages to have a longer useful life, compared to those that always charge up to 100%.

There are already many manufacturers such as HP, Lenovo, MSI, Asus, Huawei and others, that manage to allow laptops to limit the battery charge, always placing it below the maximum.

Something that all brands agree on is that, if the laptop is going to be plugged in all the time or for a long time, it is best to limit its load to between 60 and 80% of it. This means that when reaching that percentage the battery will stop charging automatically.

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Depending on the manufacturer, this limitation can be done in one way or another, so it is interesting to know how it is done in the main brands.

Index of contents:

Limit battery on Lenovo

In Lenovo you have to use Lenovo Vantage to get battery limit. This system usually works on almost all modern laptops.

The way to achieve it is as follows:

  • We start the application Lenovo Vantage. If we do not have this application, we can download it from Lenovo’s official website and then install it in the operating system.
  • Already inside the Lenovo Vantage application, we click on the drop-down menu Device.
  • then in Device configurationclick on Switched on.
  • Then we go down, until we see the section Battery configuration.
  • Modified the Battery Charge Threshold marker to enable this option.
  • Click on Start charging when below and we select fifty%.
  • Next, we click on stop charging at and we select 80%.

Load Threshold in HP

In HP computers you can also carry out the task of limiting the battery charge to the ideal percentage so that it lasts longer at full operation.

This function is not present in all the laptops that the brand has on the market.

You must follow these steps to activate it:

  • We turn off the HP laptop.
  • We press the power button and while the computer starts, we begin to press the F10 key to enter the BIOS setup utility of HP.
  • As soon as we are in the BIOS, we use the right arrow key to open the tab Setting.
  • At this time we must find where it says Adaptive Battery Optimizer and mark it.
  • If it is not available, we select Power management options.
  • We press enter and we select Enabled to turn on Adaptive Battery Optimizer.
  • If we see something like Power management optionswe open the drop-down menu Battery status manager and select Maximize the health of my battery.
  • This limits the battery to 80%.
  • Finally, we press the F10 key to save and exit.
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On MSI laptops

Another brand that allows us to perform the action of limiting the load is MSI.

The steps we must perform are quite simple:

  • We start a pre-installed program on the computer called MSI Dragon Center. If you don’t have it, you can download it from the Drag Center page.
  • We click on the battery icon in the bottom toolbar to open the option battery status.
  • Now we select Balanced or Best for Battery. If we choose the option balanced will charge the battery up to 80%, although if we select Better the battery is going to stop at 60%.

Limit load on Asus laptops

Another brand that lets you proceed with this same task that we have been talking about throughout the article is Asus.

The way to do it is as follows:

  • We start the software Asus on your PC. If we do not have it installed, MyAsus can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.
  • We open the tab Personalization in the left panel and then in Power and performancewe will see the option Battery status charging.
  • We select the Max life mode. When enabled it will only go up to 60% charge and will recharge when the battery level is 58% or less.
  • We just need to click on To accept.

Huawei computer battery care

Huawei laptops also allow you to limit the battery charge and for that we will use the program PCManagera pre-installed software on all models of the Chinese brand.

The steps we must perform are the following:

  • We open PCManagerwe click on the icon Setting (top right) and then click on Settings.
  • We click on Battery (Power for some versions of PC Manager) and at that time we enable the option battery protection.
  • We select the desired battery mode and that’s it.
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There are 3 battery modes in Huawei’s options and to achieve a better limitation we should know what each of them does.

The three modes are:

  • FamilyMode: for when the computer is constantly charging. Charging starts when the battery level is below 40% and stops when it reaches 70%.
  • OfficeMode: In this mode, charging starts when the battery is less than 70% and stops when it reaches 90%.
  • TravelMode: For when no adapter is available for a long time. In this mode, charging starts below 95% and stops when it reaches 100%.

Now you know what are the ways, in different brands, to ensure that the battery charge is limited and thus be able to achieve a longer useful life.

It is important in laptops that are so highly dependent on the battery, the longer it lasts, the better.

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