Saturday, April 20

SANTIAGO SEGURA | The diet with which he has lost 80 kilos: “I do not recommend it to anyone”

Santiago Segura He has radically changed his physique in the last year and it is something that has not gone unnoticed by anyone. The actor and director decided to change his Lifestyle and follow a controversial diet to improve your image so much as their quality of life. The filmmaker himself proudly showed his size change to his followers on Instagram.

“It has not been easy,” acknowledged Santiago Segura himself in statements to Europa Press. “It is a very hard world of suffering”, he sentenced. And he recognized then that his overweight worried him when he became aware of the number of diseases it can carry: “People do not know to what extent The obesity is an illness. It’s unsettling to give out that information and people don’t know it. ”

Santiago Segura was used thoroughly and has been able slim down nothing less than 80 kilos. “This dreaded moment of the year comes when I have to stare at these photos to get away from my terrible addiction, the invasion of French toast,” he wrote in an Instagram post last April, accompanied by some more weighty images of him: “Neither alcohol nor tobacco nor cocaine nor heroin nor crack… Put me on a torrija ahead and I go crazy. ”

Santiago Segura’s secret to losing weight: intermittent fasting

Santiago Segura He went to El Hormiguero and, among many other topics, Pablo Motos was shocked by his weightloss and have addressed the issue. The film director confessed that Leo Harlem advised him on the subject and began to read many books on nutrition.

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Santiago Segura, much thinner

Finally, the protagonist of “Torrente” confessed his secret: “I do fasts of 36 hours, something that I do not recommend to anyone”. Aware of the criticism that his statement could lead to, he immediately indicated that this technique “works for him”, but stressed that “it is not recommended for everyone.”

Intermittent fasting is one diet very strict and whoever follows her must do it advised and accompanied by a nutritionist to follow their process because it can lead to serious health problems.

The tricks of the famous to lose weight

The case of Santiago Segura is not the only one. Other celebrities have also caught the attention of their followers for a sudden change in their figure. One of them was the American actor Matthew McConaughey who lost 23 kilos in a few weeks to play one of his characters.

Vicky Martin Berrocal He also did the same by losing 18 kilos in 6 months. The designer was showing her progress on social networks.

Singer Rosa Lopez He has also experienced a radical change in his figure after losing 40 kilos in five years.

Jennifer Aniston and Beyoncé are other well-known faces who have shared their tricks to lose weight with his followers.

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