Thursday, April 18

The 7 mistakes to avoid if you want to get the most out of your gaming laptop

We bring you a list of the most common mistakes when trying to achieve the best performance of our gaming laptop.

The gaming community is expanding every year, all thanks to the greater number of video games available each year, the release of several free-to-play hits, but also mostly due to an abysmal improvement in gaming laptops.

These are authentic works of engineering, where it is possible to minimize the size of high-power components together with increasingly efficient and powerful processors and graphics.

The aforementioned improvements allow us to have the ability to play highly demanding video games in a restrained size, and each passing generation offers us even better performance.

But the fact of having devices that force both the power limits and consequently the temperatures of the same We must be careful with which laptop to choose and what changes we can makeand that is why we bring you a list of the most frequent errors.

Buy a gaming laptop

The first of these errors, and although it will sound unexpected, is the fact of buying a gaming laptop. And yes, although they are becoming more powerful and efficient, The ideal thing if we want to enjoy playing video games in the best possible way would be to buy a tower computer.

And it is that they have so much power, that in order to take advantage of their advantages we practically need to have them constantly connected, and for this it is simpler and more effective to get a tower computer for it.

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4K screens on laptops

But in the event that we do want to use a gaming laptop, the second mistake is to go for one with 4K resolution. And this is because their energy consumption is much higher, all because these screens have such a high number of pixels that they normally wreak havoc on the GPU.

And it is that the differences in a laptop between Full HD and 4K are practically indistinguishable, due to the size of the laptop screens. A 4K screen has up to 8.3 million pixels, 4 times more than a Full HD screenwhich requires such a high energy expenditure on the part of the GPU that it will rarely give even decent performance.

Single channel RAM memories

The third most common mistake is buying laptops with single channel RAM. Although most of them already have dual-channel memories, there are still cases in which, because they offer a more competitive price, brands do not integrate them, and this has a noticeable drop in FPS in our video games.

And it is that these memories of a single channel considerably limit the memory bandwidth of our laptopobtaining between 10 and 40 percent less performance, and also choking our CPU if the game is demanding.

play in battery mode

And with that we come to the fourth mistake and perhaps the one we know the least about, and that is playing on laptops in battery mode. We should always play video games with our charger connected, since not doing so offers the greatest drop in performance that we can find.

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As much improved as gaming laptops are compared to previous years, these they are usually quite limited when we use them without the charger plugged inbecause the amount of energy required by its components would increase the temperature considerably, thus damaging our laptop.

That is why gaming laptops are usually automatically limited if we use the battery while we play. Only some allow us, in a power range between 80 and 90%, to play games without a charger through a high performance mode in the settings, but it is still not recommended.

Bad undervolt setting on CPU and GPU

As a fifth error we find a bad undervolt adjustment of our CPU and GPU. If we manage to carry out an undervolt correctly, the energy consumption and the temperature that our laptop needs will be lower, but doing it is not easy at all.

That is why a bad adjustment in it can cause micro lags, game crashes or even graphic errors in our video game, accompanied by a worse performance in general of our laptop with the consequent drop in FPS.

Clogged or dirty fans

The sixth most common mistake that we can find is poor cleaning of the fans of our gaming laptop. They are an essential part when it comes to being able to enjoy maximum performance while we play since they are in charge of keeping temperatures as low as possible.

As we have already mentioned, the high amount of power that the components have and more so in such a restrained space mean that they tend to reach very high temperatures, and An obstruction due to dirt in our fans can generate an excessive drop in performance..

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Incorrect placement of the gaming laptop

Finally we find a somewhat stupid error for some, but more than important, and it is the bad placement of our laptop when playing. This error can cause us to inadvertently cover the fans and thus prevent them from cooling as they should.

And it is that the fact of playing with the laptop on the legs, or not giving them a certain inclination in some cases, are the main reasons why fans may not work as well and this turns into high temperatures and poor performance.

Not only that, but we must also be very careful on which surfaces we support the laptop, since the material of the table or object on which we support it can cause it to overheat or cool down more slowly.

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