Thursday, April 18

Very simple changes that will help you protect the privacy of your Android mobile

We tell you about the changes you should make to your Android device if you want to protect your digital privacy. How to activate them for better security.

It is a fact that digital privacy is on everyone’s lips today, and users are more aware As far as it is concerned, and today we are going to tell you the steps to follow on Android to make sure we improve it even more.

Android, despite being a free and open source operating system, still has a major security problem, and it is owned by Google. All this because it lives practically from the ads it generates, and in the case of Android find one of your main sources of income.

Luckily, privacy has been one of the functions where both Apple and Google have placed the most emphasis, and this gives us a number of well-chosen settings. can make our Android device a safe place.

Beyond the basic settings like enabling two-factor authentication, or keep your device always up to datewe are going to share with you a series of changes that we should make to our Android smartphone if we want to increase the privacy of our data.

we start with uninstall apps we don’t useAnd this is mainly for one reason. It is unnecessary to have applications, which are also taking up space, and that we do not use, for the simple fact that these they can still run in the background and collect and share our personal information.

We will check later permissions per app, being able to look at the same within Settings -> Privacy -> Permissions Manager. In this view we can see by permissions which applications make use of each one and with what capabilities, and change them if necessary.

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Also, if our device has a recent version of Android, we can make use of the privacy panel functionwhere they show us the applications that have used our permissions in the last 24 hours, and could help us find what is using the most account permissions.

Another privacy option, this one more focused around us, is the function of hide sensitive content in our lock screen notifications.

Two step verification

Two-step verification works and Google claims that compromised accounts have decreased by 50%

This allows us, until our device is unlocked, do not display information that may be considered private, such as WhatsApp conversations. To activate it, we just have to go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Show sensitive content.

Another option would also be enable extra privacy features of our browserssuch as the case of Chrome and its Safe Search function, or failing that, use browsers such as Microsoft Edge, more specialized in privacy and that have it activated by default.

We hope that this series of changes will allow you to have a more secure device, and with which we will be able to extract, without the use of third-party applications, the most secure part of our Android device.

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