Thursday, April 18

Walking fast is the secret to living 16 years longer, according to a comprehensive new genetic study

A new study has just shown the relationship between the pace of walking and slowing down aging. Using genetic data, the report published in the journal Communications Biology shows that those who walk faster can stay young longer.

The body likes movement: we are not designed to sit 8 hours a day, and sedentary lifestyle pays dearly in health consequences.

So, Walking is one of the best physical activities that exist.especially as the years go by. Now, a new study confirms the link between faster walking and slower aging.

published in the magazine Communication Biology, the new research used an extensive genetic database to demonstrate the relationship between gait rhythm and biological age.

So it seems clear that walking fast can slow down aging much more than you might imagine.

A faster walking pace leads to a biological age 16 years younger

Previously, scientific evidence yielded relevant conclusions about walking speed and health status. For example, slower walking in your 40s correlates with biological markers of accelerated aging and lower total brain volumeaccording to a report published in JAMA Networks.

An interesting fact also came to light: 10 minutes of brisk walking a day can increase someone’s life expectancy by up to 3 years.

To confirm the relationship between walking speed and slowing of agingResearchers at the University of Leicester analyzed the genetic data of more than 400,000 UK adults.

The main finding is a Clear causal link between gait rhythm and a genetic marker of biological age. In this way, those responsible for the study estimate that fast walking could lead to the equivalent of 16 years less biological age for middle age.


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It is one of the first investigations compare genetic data with self-reported walking speedsas well as actual measurements of the intensity of movement of wearable activity with tracking devices.

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Walking faster was associated with longer telomere, the caps at the ends of each chromosome that contain repetitive DNA sequences and protect cells from damage. When cells divide, these telomeres shorten, a powerful marker of the biological age of each individual.

The difference between those classified as fast and slow walkers was a difference of 16 years, based on telomere length, the authors note in their research paper.

These researchers had previously found that people who walk briskly have a life expectancy of up to 20 years more compared to people who walk slowly.

Multiple studies have previously highlighted the benefits of lead an active lifestyle to combat the effects of aging, such as the onset of heart damage, memory loss, and cognitive decline.

This article was originally published on Business Insider ES.

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